worship trick 3 [second series] is a sms guerrilla projector. i haven’t actually seen it in action but it looks wonderful! bob put me onto it. you could have a lot of fun with this taking worship into public spaces or just making mischief…
worship trick 3 [second series] is a sms guerrilla projector. i haven’t actually seen it in action but it looks wonderful! bob put me onto it. you could have a lot of fun with this taking worship into public spaces or just making mischief…
i want one!
i want one now!
anybody know how to get one or make one?
SOOOOO COOOLLL just imagin the fun!!!! 😉
Have you tried this?:
Create an INTERACTIVE service where you have some PRACTICAL subject material that you give a SHORT talk on, then open the room for discussion by the raise of hands. Your job is to keep the sharing on course with the subject matter and control people that want to dominate. You may need a cordless mike or two and mike runners. People are more creative and wise than most give them credit for. This type of format keeps people more engaged and somewhat in control, thus they learn and retain much more. The days of the minister as the main teacher and director is coming to a close, thank God! It may be difficult for your ego to let go of the idea that you can provide all the answers that people need, but do it anyhow……for God, for Jesus.