if microsoft ran ikea…

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if microsoft ran IKEA… (thanks for the link sue)

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. gareth

    very funny 🙂

  2. Dan on Everything

    If Microsoft Ran IKea…

    Credit goes to Jonny Baker for pointing out this amusing bit of satire.

  3. adrian

    jonny, you’re such a mac snob 🙂
    but as much as i also detest microsoft junk, i also have to dispell the mac myth. i’ve been doing some consultancy work on a brand new g4. it looks the proverbial dog’s. it has oh-so gorgeous icons that fade in and out of the desktop. it’s so cool it doesn’t even have a floppy drive. it’s built of stainless steel for chuff’s sake!
    but can i get it to do anything without crashing every 5 minutes…?

  4. jonny

    are you evangelising me on the merits of PCs?….
    i’m afraid i’ve already been converted (to mac that is!).
    surprised to hear about your crashes though – is that on OS X ?

  5. gareth

    umm crashing every 5 minutes – what are you doing to the poor computer? trying to install windows or something??? I have a powerbook that has not crashed once in 8 months of daily use…. but then again I am biased towards the beautiful aluminium creation.

  6. adrian

    it’s got some operating system called ‘panther’…? i think that’s os x.
    i’m glad to be back on my pc. at least this only crashes every 6 minutes…

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