it’s sad i know but i have to mention it….
got the wifi and broadband working at home today – had to do the obvious like
walk around the house being on line
the lounge
the kitchen
the bedroom…
answer the phone whilst being on the internet
download something LARGE
and of course for those of you who remember the bog on the blog i can now blog on the bog!!!!! (not that i’ve tried – i guess the thought might put you off your browsing 🙂 )
hey jonny!
congrats on the wifi! it is VERY addictive…
and once you go wireless…it is extremely hard to go back!
it would be an honor to blog with you in nashville!
can’t wait!
be good to see you 🙂
i wondered if you’d boast web use in this location!!
sorta defies the multi-tasking stereotypes!!?
wi-fi is a most satisfying experience!!
well i’m putting in for a toilet-upgrade based on your finish in ealing! congrats. Trust you’re keeping well,…..
We *just* got a PowerBook and Airport up. I love the freedom!
More information than we need -Jonny gets to the bottom of things.
Dont you love the wifi thing!
Sure, I’d blog on the bog, it’s just that my wifi doesn’t reach that far!
Just had an amazing thought… How cool would it be to play an online firstperson shooter game with a wearable wireless PC?
Oh yes! I love nerdville!
Once you’ve tried Wi-fi plus broadband there’s no going back, particularly with a laptop. I’m keen on running a worship session which exploits the presence of a laptop on the communion table which is connected to our church wi-fi network. Hmmm…