january seems to have started like a whirlwind. because i had a two week trip cancelled in december i managed to catch up on work and blog like a trooper… but now it’s non stop! anyway the week so far –
sun night – preached (well that’s an overstatement really) in a church in ealing. i was asked to speak about israel/palestine in an issues facing christioans today series. there were 7 people and a dog there literally. i told stories from my visit to palestine/israel in feb 98 and sang some songs from backbone – bit weird singing to 7 people but was good to visit those songs again.
mon – mad day in the office getting stuff sorted for the week. my colleague dave was backl from getting married in pakistan over christmas which sounds like quite an adventure. also met the artist paul hobbs dreaming up ideas for a resource – watch this space… . in the evening went for a drink with a few from grace and daniel miller and dan hughes who were in town.. found a fantastic new belgian beer bar/restauaunt – more about that another day maybe!
tues – lecturing in oxford on the centre for youth ministry degree – looking at mission and culture stuff. it was quite a buzzing day i thought… in the evening i stayed with jonbirch and clare – been best friends for years. fab fab evening. we’re dreaming up ideas for proost – include a few animations, some worship experience things, new album, book idea, and a cd rom for a book we’ve been asked to do – feels like proost is rolling along nicely – small homegrown subversive creative little label!
weds – weird one this. i visited a huge military base to discuss ideas of putting a labyrinth there. it’s very early days though i have a few wing commanders and whatever coming to visit at cms next week to experience the labyrinth to help decide if they want to proceed. fun eh?!
and tomorrow i’m teaching clergy on alt worship in leicester, and friday i have a meeting to talk about the upcoming spirituality tour – and i’m finalising the opening worship that i have put together and trying to work out if i can change something from arkaos to dvd (hopefully gareth will crack that one?!), then fri evening is a greenbelt brainstorm evening for ideas for 2004. then it’s the weekend -phew!!!!
if you are wondering what happened to my thoughts on leadership, i just haven’t had time to blog about them since the conversation. but no doubt i will at some point….
that’s a whirlwhind! bit like my week…
Stop! Stop! You’re going to explode! Mosquito in an artery! Think happy thoughts!
HI! Sounds like you’re in that go season. Sounds like good stuff.
Please detail the new beer. Where did you find it, Boots?
Anyway, if you see Steve Foster tonite say hi.
Miss you and your peeps,
thanks! I’ll blog about the beer and let the world know 🙂