blog confusion

apologies if you have noticed my blog looked a total mess today! i have no idea why. but i have removed some code from my stylesheet to make it temporarily look better. but the whole reason i created the additional code was to get a thinner middle column than you can on standard templates. it's worked since january – who changed something out there in the ether overnight? hopefully i'll work it out but for now the middle column is annoyingly wider than i want it…

but about to head out to this so life's not all bad

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Nick

    Since I am a faithful troll on your blog, I hope I can help…
    I’d be willing to bet the problem has to do with line 2 of your style sheet. You are using a shared base Typepad stylesheet. If you didn’t change anything, and no one else has access to your code, than the problem has to be with an imported code. Also, your browser may have updated overnight causing the change in the way it reads CSS. Right now, your CSS has fixes for IE 6, but not 7.
    Thats just my best guess. Good luck!

  2. Sally

    ah, I think I will stick to being ignorant of such things….

  3. Paul Fromont

    Jonny, I’m afflicted in the same way… No idea why after 6+ years it should happen… typepad haven’t been able to fix… time will tell, but frustrating…

  4. jonny

    it’s clear something changed at their end…!

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