cms and greenbelt launch missional entrepreneurship competition
excited to announce that cms and greenbelt are launching a missional entrepreneurship competition. get your idea in and then be ready to work it up and make a dragon's den…
excited to announce that cms and greenbelt are launching a missional entrepreneurship competition. get your idea in and then be ready to work it up and make a dragon's den…
had a really good week with pioneers on the CMS missional entrepreneurship module - i have added some photos and written a short reflection here - a brilliant week and…
i love this video created by sarah roberts. sarah is from edinburgh and is on the missional entrepreneurship week which is part of the cms pioneer training. a year ago…
mission entrepreneurship week 11-16 november
stop throwing starfish (ht shannon hopkins)
the first ever missional entrepreneurship week went really well! i have put together a photo story of the week to give you a flavour - click on the image above.…
so just about to head off to devon for a week as part of the cms pioneer training on missional entrepreneurship. it's the first ever week on this that we…
we have an exciting week coming up as part of the cms pioneer training in november on missional entrepreneurship. there are still a few places left. you don't have to…
congrats to shannon on being in the 100 unseen powerful women who change the world list over at one world action's blog - i guess that makes her seen now?!
praxislabs is a new program that supports social entrepreneurs engaging in transformation from a christian/mission perpsective. if you've got a good idea and want to be connected into a network…