mike radcliffe show
mike radcliffe is opening his studio for one night to show his art work the studio will be open from 6.05pm to 9pm on thursday 9th June 2005 it will…
mike radcliffe is opening his studio for one night to show his art work the studio will be open from 6.05pm to 9pm on thursday 9th June 2005 it will…
i finally went to see the caravaggio: the final years exhibtion at the national gallery. there are 16 paintings all from the beginning of the seventeenth century. it really is…
i have added a photo album of pics from 'out of nothing', the installation we have been running over easter at grace. it's something we have developed with group which will…
out of nothing starts today and runs thurs, fri and sat...
seems like holy week or thereabouts is becoming a time when lots of groups are running stations of the cross, labyrinths, or other installations which is good... moya hosted a…
just got through the post issue 1 of porpoise, a fanzine/indie comic put together by si smith. it also came with purpose a similar zine but for writing - poetry,…
following last year's labyrinth in holy week grace are running an installation again. this time on the theme of creation. it really is fab - a guided/narrated journey through the…
today is my turn to post on the grace lent blog. i thought i'd post here as well and make it a worship trick... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfxC2e-Ad2k si smith has done a…
josh lyon is one of the most interesting people i have come across on the web recently. i am actually a bit of a fan of his dad's writing as…
last year i blogged about holy ground, an idea we had for doing an installation (and resource) at greenbelt 04. this is how i described it: i am working with…