grace on the M1

following this morning's post on the theme of grace i found myself behind a lorry on the M1 with the word grace boldly written across the back. managed to get…


worship trick 62 – grace

at grace ten" dave tomlinson read this piece from 'wishful thinking: a seekers ABC by frederick buechner': After centuries of handling and mishandling, most religious words have become so shop-worn…


church sign generator

you've probably caught up with this elsewhere but this is fun! make your own church sign with church sign generator. i chose one with a slogan from a cartoon in…

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blog tips

darren rowse has compiled a series of blog tips answering questions such as: How do I start a blog? How do I find readers? How do I change my template?…


admit new blog to the world

well i'm about to end my blog with blogger and tell everyone that i've switched to typepad and this new url. i will obviously leave the old blog there with…


grace ten

well we had our grace ten service last night celebrating ten years of grace, the alternative worship community i'm part of in london. i have added a photo album if…