new proost flash animations

proost is our record label/production company for anything we dream up. we’ve enjoyed getting to know the guys at highwayvideo, based in california and producing video, CD ROM and dvd resources like there is no tomorrow! they have various lines of product, one of which is CD ROMs with flash animations on. well the latest highway flash vol 4 has three animations made by us (well actually by jonbirch) – sower (which is worship trick 61 but now has a soundtrack) | gethsemane | self image. i am making gethsemane and self image worship tricks 74 and 75 and while i’m at it another one on jon’s site that deserves to be a worship trick 76 is 70×7

not sure i quite grasp this but it seems you can download all these (as they are on your computer when you look at them) – maybe the guys at highway trust that if you like them you will buy them?… mmmmmm

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