labyrinth in london easter week

in spite of helping create the labyrinth for st pauls in 2000 we never ran this particular one at grace because we couldn’t fit it in the church. but now the pews are out we can! so do come and visit if you are in london over easter.


Labyrinth: an interactive installation for spiritual journeys

St. Mary’s Church, St. Mary’s Road, Ealing W5
Thursday 8th, Good Friday 9th, Saturday 10th April
10am – 10pm daily
Admission free

Creative and reflective, restful and searching,
a walk through the labyrinth will refresh your senses and your spirit

Labyrinth reshapes a 12th-century ritual for the 21st century.
Its maze-like path takes you on a symbolic journey, creates space to unwind and think – in particular about our relationships with ourselves, one another, our planet and God.

Designed for young and old alike, it provides a mixture of rituals and visuals, of contemplative words and contemporary ambient music, of symbols and media to help guide the spiritual traveller. Participants listen to the words and music on headphones as they walk, each in their own relaxing soundworld.

Labyrinth first ran in St. Pauls Cathedral for a week in March 2000. Since then it has toured the cathedrals of England and has appeared at the Eisteddfod in Wales. It’s been walked by thousands in America, it’s been built with straw bales in New Zealand. Now it’s in Ealing hosted by some of the people who created it.

For further information email grace

Please allow an hour to walk the labyrinth.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. lillylewin

    wish i could pop over and walk it in it’s home!
    this is the first year in three that we have not created it for holy week…
    hopefully folks will notice and ask about it’s absence!
    blessing for a great experience!
    thanks for putting it “in the can” for all of us to enjoy too! : )

  2. jos'

    Can I ask a silly question?
    Peeople walks into the labyrinth and back out again, right? What do people do as they’re walking back out and they are confronted with someone walking in? Presumably, just smile at one another and pass by.
    And on your way back out, you don’t do the stations again, right?

  3. jonny

    this design of labyrinth has a different route out to in – so they don’t bump into anyone!

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