this post is from the big smoker reporting on the massive jesus to go in selfridges:
A fourteen foot high replica of the famous Brazilian statue Christ the Redeemer is being installed today at Selfridges on Oxford Street. The statue has been sent by the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro to mark the beginning of a month long event at the department store designed to promote Brazilian culture and its products.
The Smoker is all in favour of replicating religious iconography for the sake of commercilisation, and we’d would like to make some further suggestions:
– Turin Shroud cropped tee shirts in Top Shop?
– Statue of Virgin Mary which cries soya milk in Starbucks?
– Stained glass window depicting the crucifiction in B&Q to promote carpentry techniques?
– Ark of the covenant coffee table from Ikea?
Hi Jonny, I’m new to blogging and have visited your site frequently. I like your ‘grace in unlikely places’ photos. Our local Sainsbury’s car-wash ticket machine is manufactured by ‘Christ Systems’! I’ll have to take a photo sometime… By the way, I’m blogging at
Cheers, Andy
love a copy of that photo. i saw one of those at a service station on the M1 but didn’t have a camera on me…
welcome to the blogosphere
I’ll take a photo next time I get the car
washed (which will be soon … I own a
white car) and email it to you!
Deepest sympathies following the end of
Chelsea’s European adventure. I won’t get too
sympathetic though, you beat us in the FA Cup
this season (Watford!)
Hi Jonny, beautiful picture of Rio de Janeiro!
Michele Brazil *-*
Selfridges Jesus
On Oxford Street in London, he presides over all that is Expensive, Superficial and fashion-related. Sent over by the mayor of Rio, one wonders about the significance of the real statue compared with this consumer-driven replica. It’s certainly intere…
Tee hee. I have referenced your weblog to accompany my photo of the statue at Selfridges.