god is black

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there was a fantastic documentary on channel four last night. respect to robert beckford for his presenting a new series god is black. religious broadcasting is usually either stiff, academic or just dull – often far too dominated by vicar types. but this had a vetry different tone altogether – more like louis theroux… robert reflected on the state of the anglican church, then cut to nigeria where the church is thriving. but he took the lid off both the anglican church there and got under the skin of some of the independent churches with self appointed prophets. this in particular was compelling viewing. the fundamental nature of the christian faith in nigeria has its problems. there was a poignant moment where robert beckford asked a group of young people what it was like to be gay in nigeria with pretty depressing replies. mark lawson wrote a good piece our father who art in africa in the guardian about it yesterday.

robert beckford didn’t give away too much about himself other than that he is a theologian but there was a moment where he found an everyday shack that is a church where he expressed that this for him was what christianity was about. it is so refreshing to have thoughtful, reflective, intelligent programming on christianity.

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  1. maggi

    I have a treasured memory of Beckford delivering a paper to one of our senior seminars here in Cambridge (as I recall he was in the final stages of PhD, and God is Dread came out shortly thereafter). He delivered some of the most exciting, boneshaking theology – the best thing (for my perspective) that happened in Cambridge all that term. A lot of my colleagues were in agreement! But the look of perpelxity and bewilderment on the faces of some of the ivory tower inhabitants was something to behold. It was a kind of ‘sheep and goats’ moment…

  2. Rhys Morgan

    yes it was spot on! Before this programme I’d seen the name but now – wow ! as mark Lawson says “at a time when many commentators understandably wish to condemn Channel 4 to TV hell for Big Brother 5, the inclusion in peak-time of a rigorous documentary about religion – which also includes, in the Prophet TB Joshua sequences, some of the most startling TV images of the week – suggests that the network’s televisual theology is more complicated than many have thought.”
    More “piles” of reading !

  3. Rhys Morgan

    I’ve just “done a search” on “RObert Beckford” on Amazon.co.uk
    this is what i found – shame about th long wait before publication
    Jesus Dub: Faith, Culture and Social Change
    Robert Beckford
    Our Price: £12.99
    Not yet published: you may still order this title. We will dispatch it to you when we receive it from the publisher.
    Edition: Paperback
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    Product Details:
    Paperback 208 pages (August 31, 2005)
    Publisher: Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Lt
    ISBN: 0415310199
    Category(ies): Religion & Spirituality
    Other Editions: Hardcover
    Amazon.co.uk Sales Rank: 1,080,967
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    Book Description
    Dub is the process whereby a reggae musician takes apart a record and transforms it into a new sound. In Rastafarian culture dub is a political and spiritual practice, creating radically enriched reworkings of commercial tracks. Jesus, says Robert Beckford, exemplifies dub. He transforms scripture, and works the existing world into new structures and meanings. When Jesus preaches, hypocrisy and failure change into compassion and forgiveness. The hearer of Jesus dub is always enhanced and renewed. Jesus Dub sets up a dialogue between dub and Christianity to propose a more inclusive theology for everyone. Engaging with the Black church and Black society, the ‘crack age’, hip-hop theology and TV, it offers dub as a tool in which Christians can find new empowerment and purpose.

  4. jonny

    i read jesus is dread when it came out and loved it!

  5. wole

    would it be possible for me to get a copy of that series’god is black’ as part of a coursework essay i am going to do

  6. jonny

    ask channel 4

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