BIG opportunity

The Editor of “Q News” (the Muslim newspaper) wants to find 20 Christians who would spend three days with 20 Muslims in London to talk about their different faith experiences. A few points about this ‘experience’.
* It is free – possibly even help with travel costs to London
* 13-16 September 2004
* Based at London School of Economics
* Dine on a Thames river boat
* Meet the Archbishop of Canterbury
* Social activities, formal and informal discussion, high quality accom.
* Must be 18-25
* Must be serious about Christian faith
* Must seriously want to understand young Muslims
* Total group = 20 young Muslims + 20 young Christians (10 male 10 female)

If you know of anyone who might be suitable e-mail andrew (though i’ve just noticed he is away from today until 10 august) so either be quick or wait a bit… no guarantee that there will still be places….

This Post Has One Comment

  1. lillylewinl

    hey! does having a 25year old soul count?!
    sure wish i fit the demographic ’cause i’d love to just stay over in london and join in!

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