thom yorke scoop for brian draper

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thom yorke scoop for bri draper gets accolades from the observer! way to go… must get a copy

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Brian Draper

    Thanks, Jonny. Though credit must primarily go to Third Way for setting it up and getting Thom to agree. It’s brilliant for the mag… and it’s a bonus that it all seemed to go so well.

  2. jonny

    respect and you’re a braver man than i for joining in the ‘no fun too much damn and not enough mental’ fun-da-mental discussion of the new pharisees about the labyrinth 🙂

  3. Brian Draper

    Thanks… although I *had* sunk a glass of wine and I did, in the truest, American sense of the word, feel ‘pissed’ when i arrived and saw the posts. Maybe the phrase ‘brood of vipers’ was a bit strong to use, in retrospect.

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