age of the blogger

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i was in a meeting this week where blogs were discussed… the impression in the meeting was that while a lot of conversation is going on in the blogosphere, young people aren’t really into it… following on from that i noticed the following stats on the age of the blogger in the guardian. it turns out that the bulk of bloggers are under 30.

of 4,120,000 bloggers:

55,500 are aged 10-12
2,120,000 are aged 13-19
1,630,000 are aged 20-29
241,000 are aged 30-39
41,700 are aged 40-49
18,500 are aged 50-59
13,900 are aged 60-69

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Darren

    this meeting you were in didn’t involve traditional para-church organisations did it? If it was I can certainly sympathise with you. Young people are apparently not into anything innovative, creative or non-traditional. we’re having trouble trying to convince the powers that be that txt msging is a possible (just possible – not the only) way for young people to engage with the Bible ;-(

  2. bob

    gartner research pointed out that xanga & livejournal are heavuly under 25, while blogger & typepad skew older

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