blah… emerging church in multi faith contexts

info on the next blah… in london


Emerging Church in Multi-faith Contexts

Churches in the West are increasingly experimenting with more symbolic, reflective spiritualities, drawing from Orthodox and Celtic traditions, and using digital technologies and ambient music. How far can we engage with the Eastern spiritualities of our Sikh, Hindu and Muslim neighbours whislt retaining our Christian integrity? Is there a place for churches to develop a fusion of West and East, ancient and modern, in relating to the Goodness Gracious Me generation? What might an emerging church look like in a multi-faith context? Is there a British Asian spirituality? What lessons can we learn from cross-cultural mission in the development of new expressions of church?

Pall Singh and Richard Sudworth are both from Birmingham. Pall is the Director of East + West Trust and team leader of Sanctuary. Sanctuary is wonderful – alternative worship meets Eastern spirituality. He is from a Sikh background and became a disciple of Jesus in His late teens. Pall has been married to Joy for 22 years and they have two gorgeous kids, Josiah & Jasmine. Due to some very bad ‘Karma’ he is a Birmingham City supporter. Richard is a CMS mission partner in Sparkhill, Birmingham, working alongside asylum seekers and developing creative ways of bridging church and community activity in a Muslim majority context.

This is the second Blah… of 2005. It’s been a while since the last one but in the meantime we have launched Blah… Manchester so if you know anyone in that area who may be interested let us know. Blah… is a series of conversations hosted by CMS on mission, worship, church and Christianity in today’s rapidly changing culture.

Wednesday 13 July | 6:30-8:30pm | Drinks and refreshments provided | Admission free

Venue:  CMS partnership house, 157 waterloo road
[Nearest tube Waterloo – follow signs from station to Old Vic. Go past Old Vic and Partnership House is on the same side opposite the ambulance station]

It would help us to know numbers in advance so if you’re coming please e-mail elizabeth

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Fernando Gros

    any chance of a podcast on this 😉
    i’m very interested in the question of how culturally diverse the emerging church is and is becoming. look forward to hearing a review/remix.

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