worship trick 45 – underground projections

this is amazing!

underground projection

create a portable projector with a mac mini, case, battery and projector. then attach it to the side of a tube/subway/metro train and project through the tunnel. get a friend to remove it at the next station. moving canvas is dreamed up by german artists fredéric eyl, gunnar green, and richard the incorporating the two ideas parallel worlds and parasite.  as has been suggested elsewhere it might not be advisable to attach metal boxes to the side of a tube in london without permission or you might get shot! i spoted this on ben hanbury’s blog – thanks also to jon reid for tipping me off about it.

the resulting video is here (35mb)

ben also has a fab little video of a drive over chelsea bridge – reminds me of the luke halls/vaux traffic loop. also makes me want to get after effects! oh for more time in life to play…

this is in the same spirit as sms guerrilla projection

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Mike

    Sounds very cool… but I’m not sure I want to be the one getting caught attaching something to the side of a subway car!

  2. Timothy Wright

    Ask the police to help you to attach it to the subway car.

  3. tim

    not sure how well this will go down in london after 7/7, but sounds great.

  4. Derek

    The actual results of that video are stunning.
    But as everyone else seems to mention – you’re highly unlikely to get wawy with that in London, but a great idea nonetheless

  5. Stevo

    I tried to look up King Britt and came across pomo’s site and found the actual MP3 I am listening to Royksopp and King Britt as well. I would never think anyone else listens to the cool music as well.

  6. Lorna

    getting shot isn’t a good idea 🙂
    be blessed

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