james blunt meets snoop dog

back from birmingham where i took part in the launch of blah… which seemed to go well.

one of the tunes i played was twotone’s mashup of james blunt and snoop dog – may sound weird but you did read it correctly. you can listen to it on twotone’s myspace page

i’ll post my thoughts on improvisation another time…

good seeing people there – hope it becomes a good space for meeting people and having conversation about mission, christianity, postmodernity and all that.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sandra Bils

    thanks for the hint.. the song is really awesome! i love mashups… (any other suggestions?)
    greetings from berlin, germany, s.

  2. martin hill

    Yep, Birmingham Blah couldn’t have had a better start. You rocked the house with the Snoop Dog/James Blunt track. Good illustration of how the medium is the message for the pm gen. Great to see you there and hope to hook up in the future wherever that might lead.

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