alan hirsch passing through

hirschygreat to catch up with alan hirsch passing through london today en route to norway. we had a great time when he and mike frost came over 2 and a bit years ago. alan’s new book the forgotten ways is out and i am looking forward to getting a copy. alan is now blogging – i liked his thoughts on church growth and wonder what ryan bolger would think as he now has to teach that course at fuller? ryan are you reading?… kester joined us as well so ended up being a cool morning.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Neal Taylor

    Alan looks a million Aussie Dollars in the pic! 😉

  2. geoff

    great pic of al. we had a chance to read the manuscript of ‘forgotten ways’ last summer and it is fantastic…i think eve more inspiring/challenging than ‘shaping.’

  3. Alan Hirsch

    Blush blush. My fisrt outing with my mo! I think I look either like a gay leatherman or a Jewish biker. Can choose! But its there for a while.
    Jonnie, you are one of the most creative dudes I know. It was a joy to catchup. Stay true!

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