i have a new book out! the labyrinth: a transforming ritual

labyrinth coverthe labyrinth: a transforming ritual has just been published by ytc press. in it i explore ritual and how it is strategic in postmodern times using the labyrinth that we set up at st pauls cathedral in 2000 as my example. this may sound familiar to some of you because it’s my dissertation finally getting into print.

ytc press is a new company that is going to be publishing books for youth ministry and they have an academic/monograph line that this is in…

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. jon birch

    nice one! what’s with the x-files book sleeve?

  2. jonny

    ha! that’s one of lulu’s covers i assume that ytc chose…

  3. Jordon

    Is it available on Amazon yet?

  4. jonny

    i have no idea. you can order it direct in from lulu.com

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