mass culture is a collection of essays on eucharist and mission edited by pete ward. it was first published in 1999 and has been out of print but a lot of interest was still been shown in it. so brf have published a new expanded edition of it with a couple more contributors. the chapter i wrote for it is unchanged. it’s a good little book if you have not come across it before…
(i much preferred the original cover!)
I love Mass Culture! I got a copy in 2003 at Greenbelt, and I’ve gotta agree – this new cover is laaaaaame…
There you go, I didn’t know you had written one of the chapters. I managed to pick up a copy a year or so back (with the nicer cover) and found it really insightful. Good Book
loved mass culture. but agree with you – the older cover was MUCH better. 🙂
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