something old something new

i have a piece in this season's leadership journal called something old something new – a copy was on the doormat when i got home. i've actually never even seen the magazine before (it's a US magazine produced by christianity today) but it's a pretty interesting issue that is focusing on the theme of tradition and newness called rediscovered roots. sadly the piece isn't online so i can't point you to it…

[update: it will be online in april – see comments – so i'll blog a link to it then]

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Bob Almond

    Jonny – glad that you’ve discovered Leadership at last. I’ve got copies back to 1982 if you would like to catch up! It’s actually been a good guide to a number of different movements in the church over the years, although it is clearly rooted in the US ‘larger church’ setting. I enjoyed the article too.

  2. becky

    You could scan the article as a PDF and upload it – that’s what I do when I want to get the word out re: a piece that isn’t clickable online.

  3. Url Scaramanga

    glad you got your copy and that you liked the magazine! We try to honor those that have subscriptions by spacing out when we post articles online. That piece should be up in early april.
    – Url

  4. jonny

    that’s great to hear – thanks! i’ll link to it then…

  5. John Oliver

    Your article is online now – I’ve really appreciated it.
    The taster on the main page references Matthew 13:52, Jesus says that the faithful disciple is like “the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”
    Looking forward to see how others respond to this – I’d planned for this passage to be the theme of our church AGM, who prefer the old rather than the new!
    As always being challenged in God’s amazing family

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