creation stations

back in 2005 (i think) we worked with group publishing to create a resource that gave people the tools to set up an interactive installation/worship experience based on the story of creation with a station for each day. we ran the installation at grace and at greenbelt. it was a very neat condensed kind of experience narrated by a series of meditations with accompanying ambient soundscape listened to on headphones and was pretty all age friendly. it was published with group under the title worshipping the creator. anyway it’s run its course with group and the rights have returned to us at proost. our name for it was always creation stations so we have made it our latest upload on proost as a download resource under that title. it’s a bit large with all the bits and pieces so we have separated it out into two parts: creation stations – the leader’s guide, poster files, childrens guide and other bits and pieces; and creation stations meditations which is the audio soundtrack. the good news is that because it’s now a download it’s much cheaper.

lent is actually a season we have often run installation type experiences, often in holy week. i’ll say a bit more over the next week or two about other resources and ideas for lent.. if you already subscribe you can access this in the downloads area. if not you know if makes sense…