edinburgh 2010

there was a famous missions conference in edinburgh 1910 – famous in some ways for all the wrong reasons – who wasn't there and whose voices were not heard. but somehow it lives on in significance in the missions world. 100 years on and this week is edinburgh 2010 which will probably be a significant moment for the wider missions world to reflect on what is happening and what god might be saying… i'm not going but thought it worth mentioning as there are papers/reports on the nine themes which you can download from the study process pages of the web site. they are on foundations for mission, mission and other faiths, mission and postmodernities, mission and power, forms of missionary engagement, theological education and formation, christian communities in contemporary contexts, ecclesiology and mission, mission spirituality and authentic discipleship.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jasmin Adam

    You can also follow the conference online on http://www.edinburgh2010.org. Papers, photos, video highlights etc will be posted during the conference, and there is a live stream of our final celebration with the Archbishop of York preaching. This takes place on Sunday, 6 June, 3-5.30 pm.
    We invite all people that are interested in mission and Christian unity to leave comments on our website and our facebook group (Edinburgh 2010: Witnessing to Christ Today). Cheers Jasmin

  2. JBB

    Jonny, it’s the last day of the conference today … the conference process has been interesting, but primarily filtered through one perspective. The organisers are aiming towards creating a document, “towards a common call” this evening. Not sure what will be in there yet (apart from some of the usual platitudes), and am wondering if evangelism will find its way in there explicitly without some clear and direct intervention.

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