well that's the theme of greenbelt next year as she turns 40 and looks back and looks forward. this year greenbelt as ever was a delight – a hopeful sign of the kingdom of god and what the church can be at her best – creative, searching, diverse, hopeful, honest, celebratory, learning, welcoming, human, spiritual, on the way to a better world, healing. my favourite moment i think was hearing bruce cockburn sing 'lovers in a dangerous time' with that immortal line – you got to kick at the darkness til it bleeds daylight. showing my age but i probably first heard him sing that getting on for 25 years ago. greenbelt was the muddiest i can remember since the year goldie was DJing in a tent next to one where grace were leading quiet worship! greenbelt was also the moment i think i will have transitioned into being 'harry baker's dad' as he rocked greenbelt with his sensational poetry off the back of his edinburgh shows – so exciting to see…
seemed like an appropriate blog post title too. after greenbelt it always feels like the chilled summer season is definitely over and the mayhem is about to start! i am gearing up for a new intake of students later in september on the cms pioneer mission leadership training including our first intake of pioneer ordinands and the addition of a new MA in pioneer ministry. we'll also be switching accrediting body to the university of durham over the next two years which whatever way you look at it will create work. so time to get cracking…
thanks to everyone who bothered to get up and come to the session i spoke at on monday morning – i was amazed anyone was there! if you liked the content you might like this series on newness –
1 the adjacent possible | 2 the new belongs elsewhere | 3 dissent | 4 refounding |5 darkness and unknowing | 6 connect don't protect | 7 imagination grief and amazement | 8 mission community beyond lose networks
and this series of talks which is an expanded version really of what i was sharing about another world is possible.
The vibe was awesome and not dampened by the torrential rain. Harry’s poetic heart has the rhythm of rap and the literature of the classics such a creative young man. The people who occupy the Greenbelt sojourn have a divine mandate to be in the business of celebrating what truly makes humanity the best expression of the creative nature of life opposing the needless destruction that dominates our world and societies. We are all cut out by the creators hand and placed in the variety of places of our business to be the best expressions of love, grace, mercy, peace, common unity and transformation we can be in the year ahead as each day toward the celebration of new beginning next year. By the grace of God see you before and there.
Not creeping – but your session was a highlight for me. Much truth spoken! Challenged me to think about how we as an emerging smc connect with the existing traditions – and much more. Don’t forget to connect us with the guy from Rugby (stick something on the blog link or via email).
Plus – I missed Harry’s session due to crappy rain and bedding down my little girl for the night, so to hear a couple of his poems was a treat. Thanks for including them. I know you’re proud – rightly so. Have me an idea for an RE scheme of work focusing on how people of faith use art I communicate their beliefs – focusing of contemporary expressions rather than the old stuff. Harry and Mohammed Ali (the street artist) at Greenbelt inspired this new teacher!
So – thanks, as ever. We need to get you down to Exeter some time soon!
Harry Baker’s dad…love it! Haha!
the gift of not fitting in – so encouraging!!