trickster remakes the world exhibition in ealing in september


i am taking part in a photography exhibition in ealing as part of BEAT – the wonderful ealing art trail. it’s called trickster remakes this world. the local photography group i am part of is putting it on. it is inspired by the book trickster makes this world by lewis hyde. those of you who have followed the blog may remember this being something i have talked about before at the inspiration of nic hughes and kester brewin back in the day. i presented on trickster’s ruses at greenbelt a long time back, so it’s fun to make that connection again, this time in relation to photography. the details are that it is at

the rickyard, walpole park

sat sept 10th and sun 11th 12-6pm
mon sept 12th to fri 16th 1-6pm
sat sept 17th 12-6pm
sun sept 18th 12-5pm

as well as photography there will be a few other interventions in and around the park.

if you’ve not come across trickster, he or she is a character like coyote (see earlier post!) in myths and stories of various cultures. trickster is a difficult character in sone ways – breaking rules, living in inbetween spaces, messing with what’s sacred and so forth. but trickster also tends to be revered because they are seen to be critical to cultures changing when they gets stuck. during lockdown so many people said we can’t go back to the way things were and yet where is the imagination for a different way or a new world? so it felt timely to open up an engagement with trickster and trickster’s ruses. hyde’s book explores the way some art and artists plays the role of trickster. each photographer got randomly assigned a ruse of trickster and the photographs will be their responses. hyde\’s book is not actually organised in ruses – they are simply phrases or ideas that i lifted from the book – i hope hyde would warm to the aproach. the spinning wheeel of ruses is here if you fancy having a go yourself!

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