and everything is going according to plan NOT

last night i went to see massive attack with adam curtis at manchester international festival. i am really glad i came up. it was quite an extraordinary experience. i had alt worship envy – it was an industrial feel to the building with 11 of the largest screens imaginable from floor to ceiling – a totally immersive visual environment. massive attack were playing a soundtrack behind one of the screens. anyone thinking it was a usual massive attack gig would have been disappointed – there was one massive song and the rest were covers. but it was all about the film – everything is going according to plan. it roamed through cultural footage over the last 50 years weaving global narratives that unmask many of the paradigms or worldviews of that era. if it had a weakness it was almost too evangelistic! i wish i had had a notebook to jot down many of the themes but wanted to just soak it up. in the best sense of the word it was prophetic, evoking grief and shaking the numbness and ways we get used to business as usual. empires were crumbling as we watched, the gods of the age found wanting. i really hope it will come out as a film – we will definitely watch it on the pioneer training. it was a bit bleak and the offer of redemption at the end was simply saying that you can change things, that there are other possibilities (which was great to be reminded of!).

the theme that particularly got me thinking was what was described as 'managing reality' – how in the wider culture with fear of the future the logic turned to safety and trying to manage and control everything. it so reminded me of the church and even trends in the charity sector. i will probably come back to this when i think about it a bit further but the parallels are there. 

i have said for many years that art and prophecy are close friends. this was another reminder – go and see it if you have a chance. for anyone involved in alt worship go and immerse yourself in the environment and be envious!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. lilly

    sounds like an awesome experience and one i’d be envious of too! how long is it going on ? i’ll be over on august 19th, and at GB. martin invited me to create a sacred space! might need to raid your attic/garage for some supplies : ) praying for sunshine and good weather for the festival. looking forward to seeing you and jen!

  2. Chris Jefferies

    Wow! That sounds like something we all need to pay attention to. Alan Hirsch would like it, I think. Have you read anything by him? He is interested in the way church embeds itself in culture. One of his little aphorisms is ‘missional-incarnational impulse’ by which he means going out (missional) and going deep (incarnational).
    Music is an important part of culture here in the UK, especially amongst younger people. We need to be totally into that.
    I love to see the truth expressed in music, films, novels. It’s there! But so many of us miss it, we’re blind to it.

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