speaking of god…

grace speaking of god flier

this saturday at grace we will be exploring how we speak about god. here's the blurb

Saturday 12 June 8pm
St Mary's Ealing

Language does not describe the world we see;
we see the world that language describes.

Does the language we use for God reveal more of who God is, or distort and restrict our understanding of God?
Join us to explore how we can expand our vocabulary in order to enrich our worship.

the only downer is that it clashes with the england vs usa world cup game. it's a dilemma – still undecided in my mind which to attend!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Alicampbellyes

    decisions – which will be of eternal value?

  2. becky garrison

    Which did you decide to do? We tied you – nah, nah, nah, nah. 🙂

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