christians and muslims

richard sudworth has written a series of articles on fulcrum on christian muslim relations – part 1 | part 2 | part 3. the web tends to lend itself to short pieces. whenever i find something long i think i'll go back later and rarely do – maybe it's my attention span that's the problem?! but i do recommend you print these off and chew over them. there's still one to come by the looks of it. they both plot the history of christian-muslim relations over the past 40 years or so and where they have got to now and open up the themes of hospitality, presence and engagement. this approach is actually rooted in cms with two former general secretaries max warren and john taylor (along with kenneth cragg) being its leading advocates. it's good to be reminded of some treasures in cms heritage.

fulcrum has become an interesting thoughtful space on the web – a generous and open evangelicalism. i am impressed by it. i confess i don't look at it as often as i might because i have a reaction to the word evangelical – it's not a description i relate to any more. it either seems to belong to a bygone era or is too tribal for me. i equally dislike the labels liberal and progressive and post evangelical and whatever else – being a follower of christ is enough for me and requires enough explaining. but for others its a helpful label and evangelicals could certainly do with sites like fulcrum to shift the public impression of evangelicals as the new pharisees…

as an example of a thoughtful piece andrew goddard reviews andrew marin's book on sexuality – love is an orientation. i haven't read the book (and don't feel i need to as the review is so comprehensive) but it is an example of how thoughtful the writers on fulcrum are, and open to questions and conversation on thorny issues. (judging by the front page it would be good to encourage a few more women writers on the site)

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