agents of the future – alt worship gets out of its laid back soundtrack

agents of the future are part of the bridge community in portland, oregon in the usa. their debut mini album of 6 tracks has a fantastic raw energy. none of the usual laid back alt worship electronica for the old alt worship folks! you can listen to samples in the media player on the proost site. they are our latest unusual suspects on proost. this is what they say about themselves

We are a bunch of Jesus-loving, jalopy-gospel way-backers who get together and do creative things: Shrieking, speaking, flailing, failing, storytelling, fear-quelling. In the process, songs and stories are smithed and written, friendships and families are stretched and shaken, stirred and strengthened. Genre-gender-class-past-death-defiers and town-crying demystifiers of mystery history lead these pacifistic, full-frontally ballistic missives. Best of all, on frequent occasions, we see entombed voices raisin’ and we peek through the haze.

i raved about andli mac's sea parable before on the blog and even went and bought it myself. well i'm delighted to say that you can now get that on proost. it's a beautiful animation that tells a tale of sailors who live to rescue people drowning in the sea. their mission keeps getting subverted by the lure of the comfort of the boathouse. sound familiar?!

one of my personal favourite movies on proost is jon birch's manga style 12 stations. if you've not come across it take a look. this year he has taken some of the still images from it and worked them into a meditation for easter 12 stations meditation. it is a flash file where each page has an image associated with a station and a written reflection. when you are ready click the button to move onto the next page. it's perfect for good friday (though skip the resurrection station at the end – which was never part of the traditional stations anyway!)

i know i have said it a few times but if you subscribe you can download all our stuff and get a year's worth of new content. and every time i say it there's more there 🙂

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Becky

    I went to the Bridge when I was in Portland – not my personal style of music but I loved how Jesus was clearly in the house – the floor rocked literally. And then I got to go over and visit HomePDX – amazing, truly amazing people. If the world was filled with people like Deborah and Ken Loyd, wow. Can’t wait to download what they have to offer.

  2. Becky

    Tried to download Jon’s flash meditation but he must be tinkering with it – creative bugger that he is.
    Another amazing Lenten Resource is Si Smith’s “40” – great in form of a book or movie.

  3. jonny

    sorry – yes there was a problem but it should be fixed now if you want to try again?

  4. Becky

    It worked – this is amazingly powerful. Hard to believe the same guy who did something this profound also did the flash confessions where your sins get fed to a goat who then jumps off a cliff. That’s profound but twisted.

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