looking back through the blog i realise i never added anything about the new year labyrinth at grace.i was reminded of it because we had a group of students visiting from calvin college who recorded a short movie and sent me a link. anyway i thought i'd add it as a worship trick as it seemed to work well, was very low tech, and may be useful for other people…
it's all written up in the grace archive page. we used the st paul's labyrinth cloth which has inbuilt stations and the themes were:
holy space
the backdrop on the screens playing silently (st mary's where we meet has now got three projector screens) was the movie by st etienne finisterre which is a beautiful hour of footage of a day in london.
The Labyrinth is something that I only discovered in the last 5 years, but have really enjoyed it’s impact in our church community. It is a great journey and I like the ideas you have listed here for it to be a start to a New Year. I am currently taking a course exploring worship history and this week we’ve been talking about time & space. The labyrinth definitely creates a space to meet with God.
I have had little interaction with labyrinths, but have seen them in the courtyards of several churches. I have only had one experience of one that was put together in a small room and had a series of videos that truthfully weren’t very enriching. But I can see how it could be a beautiful experience and meditation of truth. I would love to see them incorporated into my worship experience.
hey jonny — paul here in san antonio tx.
i thought of you when i posted this: