a while back when i was at the custard factory in birmingham i met a couple of guys who work with islandmonkey working in design/animation/3D etc. on finding out they were based in bath i put them in touch with jon. they met and had a great time i think. as a result one of the pieces they showed jon, he said i would love. pete has kindly uploaded it and said i could tell anyone about it. it is a fantastic piece of morphing animation between various icons of jesus. this is what pete said about it:
The inspiration came from an installation artist i knew in Hamburg. It followed one of his rambled musings: that throughout the centuries, artists have created many representations of Jesus. We all have a different mental picture of what Christ looks like. Yet the same eyes are always looking back at us. So fixing his eyes as the focal point, i used a morphing software to blend between various images of Christ. Chronologically they go from the 6th Century mosaic to a 1998 artwork
You can download/view it here (quicktime movie 8mb) – fantastic… thanks guys.
this is a great little animation… the strangest part is the moment between the stills when it really seems like a real head turning for a moment. a little unnerving (like most morphs!) I’ve never dabbled in portraiture or icons myself, but i just made my first portrait/icon art piece – a face of christ no less… so i thought i’d add my two cents.
see it at http://joshlyon.blogspot.com
Catching Up
As I watch the Louisville – Kentucky basketball game (Go Cats!) I’m catching up on the blog world.
Jesus Morph
Brilliant new worship trick from Jonny Baker called Jesus Morph. It’s an 8mb Quicktime movie: The inspiration came from an installation artist i knew in Hamburg. It followed one of his rambled musings: that throughout the centuries, artists have create…