worship trick 8 [second series] – jesus morph

Wt2a while back when i was at the custard factory in birmingham i met a couple of guys who work with islandmonkey working in design/animation/3D etc. on finding out they were based in bath i put them in touch with jon. they met and had a great time i think. as a result one of the pieces they showed jon, he said i would love. pete has kindly uploaded it  and said i could tell anyone about it. it is a fantastic piece of morphing animation between various icons of jesus. this is what pete said about it:

JesusmorphThe inspiration came from an installation artist i knew in Hamburg. It followed one of his rambled musings: that throughout the centuries, artists have created many representations of Jesus. We all have a different mental picture of what Christ looks like. Yet the same eyes are always looking back at us. So fixing his eyes as the focal point, i used a morphing software to blend between various images of Christ. Chronologically they go from the 6th Century mosaic to a 1998 artwork

You can download/view it here (quicktime movie 8mb) – fantastic… thanks guys.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. josh

    this is a great little animation… the strangest part is the moment between the stills when it really seems like a real head turning for a moment. a little unnerving (like most morphs!) I’ve never dabbled in portraiture or icons myself, but i just made my first portrait/icon art piece – a face of christ no less… so i thought i’d add my two cents.
    see it at http://joshlyon.blogspot.com

  2. The Unnecessary Pastor

    Catching Up

    As I watch the Louisville – Kentucky basketball game (Go Cats!) I’m catching up on the blog world.

  3. relentless grace

    Jesus Morph

    Brilliant new worship trick from Jonny Baker called Jesus Morph. It’s an 8mb Quicktime movie: The inspiration came from an installation artist i knew in Hamburg. It followed one of his rambled musings: that throughout the centuries, artists have create…

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