skinny to hit the european road

skinny vanin my job i manage/support a team for cms of creative people. it's a lot of fun! one of the people on the team is andrew jones who with his family is about to embark on a new adventure going back to a travelling lifestyle round europe. they have got a huge van that is currently being converted – windows, furniture, cooker and all that and will be heading off round europe stopping at various places to connect with entrepreneurial mission leaders, creating networks, hanging out, doing some training, mentoring and so on. watch andrew's blog to see how the story unfolds. the sortingroom, the collective of businesses in orkney they helped start will be continuing now it's up and running.

i am excited that they are heading round europe. whilst we sometimes moan about the state of the church in the uk, actually there is so much creativity, resources, training, networks, permission and so on here. it's a very different environment to say 10 years ago. in my travels (which is only certain countries and even then a limited view) there are many other countries that simply do not have the same openness in the churches to mission and change. so i hope that the jones will be able to connect with creative people, offer encouragement and catalyse some newness as they go.

if you are in europe, they will be taking part in a few roundtables – get togethers of leaders from different countries. one of the largest will be at slot festival in poland. i am thinking i may head over to that to join them…

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