NET tonight with big issue and street shine

NETsorry short notice but there is a really good NET tonight on the HMS president on the thames. here’s the blurb. (it’s free and there is a bar)

We will be hearing from two social entrepreneurs, both of whom empower the groups they are seeking to support by employing them; both are working with the homeless. The first speaker leads a fresh and innovative social enterprise which is attracting much press coverage for their ability to engage big businesses. The second speaker is a household name and founder of one of the worlds best known social enterprises; he is internationally regarded as a pioneer and leading authority on social enterprise.

Simon Fenton-Jones, CEO of StreetShine. Following several years setting up a successful agricultural business in Vietnam, Simon returned to the UK and helped develop and raise funds for StreetLeague, a charity that inspires disadvantaged groups through sport.  Hearing about the StreetShine concept, Simon joined in early 2004 and established all foundations for the organisation to help realise StreetShine as a social enterprise. StreetShine is a social business that gives vulnerable people the opportunity to earn a living and learn new skills through shoe shining.  Simon brings genuine passion to his role and the organisation, believing that the social enterprise model of business combines perfectly with the focus of StreetShine – helping people realise their potential and improve their personal situations.

John Bird, Founder and Editor-In-Chief, The Big Issue.  John Bird, was a poor boy, orphan, thief, inmate, artist and poet before going on to found the ground-breaking social initiative that is The Big Issue. He was born shortly after the Second World War to a London-Irish family into slum-ridden Notting Hill. Homelessness, orphanages, crime and prison characterised much of his early life until his metamorphosis into a successful small businessman occurred in the 1980s. Since setting up The Big Issue magazine and foundation to help the homeless help themselves some sixteen years ago, John has become an authority on motivation and the ascendancy to achievement. Amongst the places he has spoken are the UN in New York, Nairobi and Istanbul, Downing Street and Buckingham Palace. The UN Scroll of Honour, an MBE and the 2005/6 Beacon Prize for Creative Giving are just three of the many accolades and awards he has received. Since the inception of The Big Issue in 1991, John has overseen its development into the UK’s most successful social enterprise, stretching from Tokyo to Totnes and helping thousands of homeless people worldwide. John’s latest venture is called Wedge Card, a loyalty card aimed at revitalising the local high street. The card gives shoppers discounts at hundreds of independent businesses as well as raising money for local charities. His autobiography "Some Luck", is a fantastic explanation of much of John’s lack of fortune, misfortune and his ascendancy out of the vulgar life of crime to social engineering. In March 2007 he took part to the Quick Reads campaign and wrote the best selling book ‘How to change your life in 7 steps’.

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