for lydia with love

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lydia - the star of the eveninglast night we went to a charity auction on the hms president to raise money for the shooting star hospice. amazingly there is no state funding for looking after children who are dying. lydia was born with aicardi syndrome – she is now one and has regular seizures. we don’t know how long she will live but every day is a gift. the shooting star hospice is wonderful at providing support to lydia, mark, anna and oscar. so it was a delight to be able to share in an evening to show solidarity with them and raise money for the hospice. the vision behind it was originally jane foster smith’s who sadly died before christmas so it was a kind of tribute to jane as well. jenny ended up being the main organiser along with a team of volunteers and did a brilliant job. not sure of the exact figures but about £16 000 was raised.

for lydia with love slideset