advent movies from jacobs well – worship trick 21

i picked up this link via steve taylor’s blog

andy michael made three movies for advent last year for jacob’s well community in kansas and they are really good quality (the kind of thing we could easily put on proost) and free to download. i think the first is my favourite. i am currently reading tim keel’s book intuitive leadership. i’ve met tim a few times on visits to the US so. he is also at that community so that was a neat connection. i’ll blog about the book when i finish it or when i get time!

advent video grab

on the subject of movies, bob carlton sent me a link to this quirky wonderful video vittorio cosma – passo – dopo passo . the blog that this is from no fat clips looks jam packed with stuff if movies is your thing. if you find any good ones if you have time to trawl through let me know in the comments.

[note: all these movies are fairly large]

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Derek

    The “Im In Ur Manger” movie is cool but only a teen audience would get it. :o)
    Grace and Peace

  2. jonny

    steve i ahve been in meetings literally all day and then at a chelsea football match tonight but it is on my list to blog honest…

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