blah… lots happening

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blah… began as a one off meeting in london a few yars ago to think about faith, mission and culture over a glass of wine after work. it went so well that lots more blahs have happened in london and been spawned in manchester, birmingham, nottingham, sheffield. if you are nearby do join in these…

nov 3 – learning day in london on emerging and fresh expressions of the catholic and/or contemplative traditions

nov 13 – evening in birmingham with ben edson

nov 17 – day in nottingham on new age new mission with steve hollinghurst

blah sheffield have a couple of things lined up but are now using facebook to talk about them so i can’t see what they are!

nov 20 – and i’m pleased to be invited to take part in the first blah… evening in oxford being planned by home and maybe


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. beth

    sorry for appearing secretive in sheffield, we haven’t deserted the blah site, have just been way too busy to organise anything, or even update the information.
    maybe we’ll get something going again next year…

  2. jonny

    beth no need to apologise and no pressure to do anything! what you have been doing is fab…

  3. beth

    could understand your use of fab in a text but here theres no excuse

  4. jonny

    hey i used it especially for you!

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