contador wins le tour

congrats to contador on winning his first ever tour de france at just 24 years old – amazing!

in spite of the drug scandals threatening to ruin the tour again, i have still watched the highlights every day on itv 4 and really enjoyed it as ever. it was a close run thing in the end this year with a very exciting time trial on saturday. it was also good to see several british riders in the tour and of course it was great to have the tour kick off (or roll off) in london…

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Thomas Willer

    But it was really a shame with the Danish rider Michael Rasmussen…

  2. jonny

    yeah – weird one! what was the danish view on rasmussen?

  3. Eddie

    Well, down here in Oz there was some bittersweet celebrations as Cadel became the first Australian on the podium – We’re all very proud, and looking forward to seeing him win it in years to come…
    It’s a funny thing to remember first seeing Cadel race as a junior in MTB championships, and now there he is on a podium in Paris… Makes me feel a tad old…

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