apologies if…

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i seem to be getting quite a few spam comments at the moment which depresses me. but i am reluctant to go to a sign in system for people to leave comments as i never like doing that when i visit someone else’s blog. hopefully it will calm down but apologies if you have looked at any comments that have linked through to people advertising and selling or to p*rn sites, a side of the internet that i hate.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Dean Ayres

    Same here. I’ve had 20 spam comments in the last two days, just consisting of links for pron. If it keeps up, I’ll reluctantly switch to using Typekey authentication.

  2. jonny

    i was being hit on one particular post so i have turned comments off on that post. will see if it improves things. i have alos notified typepad. i suspect they’ll sort it in a day or so…

  3. maggi

    me too, Jonny – I’ve reported and eliminated several hundred in the last few days. Yukk and double yukk. There’s an option in Typepad where you not only delete but “report spam” which I’ve done, and also have blocked the IP addresses, although this seems to have minimal effect as there is obviously a vast array of this stuff with hundreds of connected IP’s…

  4. Tom Allen

    I had about 30 yesterday and a further 60 sor far today so there is something more general happening around Typepad blogs. Typepad’s customer services say that they are aware that there is particular problem with UK based sites at the moment and they are working to source the originators and apply a server block which is much more specific than a IPS block.

  5. jon birch

    and there was i, thinking they were your sponsors! 🙂

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