switching the blog from advanced template in typepad

following the discovery of typepad web pages that I blogged about a few days ago i have switched my blog back from an advanced template to typepad’s internal system. if you don’t use typepad this will be of no interest. but basically when typepad started, its features were fine for straightforward things but if you wanted to do anything interesting in the sidebars you needed to get at the code which meant changing to an advanced template. the disadvantage with this is that you have to know some html and mess around with the code. that’s how i’ve been running this blog through typepad for some time. but as i mentioned before, when i developed the dekhomai site i realised that the features were a lot better sticking within typepad’s interface. the recent addition of web pages has persuaded me to switch back to typepad’s interface for this blog. i’m sure you won’t notice a lot of difference. but the worship tricks on the right hand side now link to pages within typepad that i can easily edit from within their interface rather than having to upload them each time i want to make a change. whilst messing around, i have also done a new header – pretty similar but a little wider as a lot of monitors are bigger now than they were. it’s about the size that works for me so i hope it works for others. (if the blog looks a mess it will be because your computer has stored the old stylesheets which no longer apply so just refresh thge page several times.)

so what? well if you are wanting to start a web site/blog the interface within typepad now is so good that you won’t need to get into writing code for pages or anything…

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