wildlife photography

on the subject of photos we visited this year’s wildlife photographer of the year exhibition yesterday which was wonderful as ever. the photos are online but are small and look a pale shadow of the actual prints. we have been every year for several years now. as a friend who’d been recently said it’s almost an overdose on wonder. it’s a fantatsic world we live in. i confess that having taken more of an interest in photography since i last went i was paying attention to lenses and depth of field and time/length of shot on the photos. virtually every photo there bar two i think were taken with canon or nikon cameras. we all agreed that the winning photograph wouldn’t have won if we had been the judges…

in the evening we watched an iconvenient truth on dvd which was a weird follow up – what are we doing to this beautiful planet?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. jonbirch

    went to see it a few weeks ago when it was in bristol… some were astonishing… the close up buggy things are really crazy! my favourite shot was the hyena’s and wild dogs, really dramatic… but there was nothing as good as the winner of 2004 in my view… if you remember, it was the shark filling it’s jaws with fish… my favourite photo of all time!

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