the new manual of photography

new manual of photographysince saying i would review books over two weeks, life has got busy again so it may well stretch out for longer. anyway one of the books i have really enjoyed this year is john hedgecoe’s the new manual of photography. i got a digital slr camera in february. before that i had just used point and shoot. the cameras are so good these days that the automatic setting was immediately a good step up but i quickly realised the camera had a lot more potential exploring iso, time speed and aperture changes as well as thinking about what to shoot, composition and so on. so i picked this book up as an introductory book on photography. and i have found it really helpful. it is full of pictures and tips. the format is that there is a double page spread on a theme – say early morning light. so it’s an easy book to dip in and out of. it’s not technical and geeky so it’s easy to read. i was going to see some fireworks the other week and was thinking about how to photograph them. any i’ve tried never seem to come ut that well. so at least i was able to read a few tips on shooting fireworks (the truth is i still didn’t get any great photos of fireworks but at least i’ve got a few better ideas for next time!). it’s hardcover. to be honest i didn’t do much research so i have no idea what this compares with as an intro to photography but it’s helped me…

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Existential Punk

    Thax for the heads up! What brand is your camera? Do you like it? What lenses do you have? in the future i want to go with a digital Nikon slr cuz i can use my nikon lenses i already own.

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