Alan Jamieson presents
Five Years On… Faith journeys of church leavers 5 years down the track
discover findings and stories from the first longitudinal study on the
faith of church leavers. what happened to people’s faith beyond
institutional forms of church? what is the role of small groups? what
forms of support really helped people’s faith development? how can
churches learn to listen to the real concerns of leavers?
also… find
out about Spirited Exchanges UK
12.30 – 2pm | Tuesday 2nd May 2006
| CMS 157 Waterloo Road
London SE1 8UU | free sandwich lunch
for information, directions
and RSVP please email:
a bit of background:
alan jamieson’s book churchless faith was a wonderful piece of research. it basically showed that far from giving up on faith church leavers were reimagining and reshaping it in different ways. following that book spirited exchanges was set up in new zealand to facilitate groups and share resources for people who had left church to have a space to process some of their questions. jenny macintosh is the director of it (and is wonderful) and was at greenbelt last year leading some sessions which proved very popular.
last month’s issue of had an interview with jenny. it’s not news that the uk has large numbers of people who have left church for a variety of reasons.
some of us got together with jenny following greenbelt to discuss whether we could help facilitate a spirited exchanges type network in the uk. it’s very early days but we have raised a bit of money and hope to do something useful in this area. there are a few things happening… joanna is following up contacts from greenbelt and developing an e-mail list for people interested. you can sign up at the spirited exchanges uk web site. we hope to try and map what is happening in the uk so that we are able to connect people in similar geographical areas, and encourage the sharing of resources and facilitation of groups. may 2 will be a chance to hear more about it.
be great if as many as possible can come to hear about alan’s latest research and hear about spirited exchanges uk – hope to see you there.
Technorati Tags: spiritedexchanges
Hi there
I am endeavouring to make contact with Alan Jamieson. I am from South Africa but presently on a 3 month stay in the UK doing various things. I would like to interact with him on some of the things he is writing on. Info about what we are up to can be found on the website
he is now back in NZ but you can leave a comment on his blog at or there is a contact button on the right hand side with an e-mail