sigur ros in brixton

Sigurros1sigur ros were wonderful. a 17 piece band including a 9 piece brass section and a string quartet, bass, guitar played like a cello, keyboards, drums, glockenspiels, and ambient vocals in a made up language all created an amazing soundscape. the concert began and ended with sigur ros behind a huge screen – the lighting effects on this were stunning. i sort of wish they’d kept the screen down longer…

Sigurros2the music is almost a classical concert experience but then shifts into a gig – it’s sort of on the border line. i guess if it had been performed at royal festival hall it would have been a concert but at brixton it was a gig. it reminded me a little of a classical concert with some postmodern composers i once went to in bath – with messaien and birtwhistle – avant garde sort of thing. but whatever it was or is it is an amazing experience and wonderful music that lifts you up…

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. seb Apostol

    oh man im so jelious but happy for you. please tell me did they play untitled #1 a.k.a. vaka ? i love that tune i tried to gett tickets for the birmingham acadamy but no joy they were full booked :0(

  2. Jonathon Norman

    i just found at tonight that they are coming to nashville and performing at the historic ryman auditorium sometime in february. how exciting!!!

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