make poverty history

Make povery history
i went with si , debbie and phillipa to trafalgar square to hear nelson mandela address a huge crowd as part of the campaign to make poverty history. we bumped into several people we knew – lots of greenbelt faces in the crowd. the director of oxfam, bob geldof, jamlia, nelson mandela and others all joined their voices on the day before the G7 world leaders meet to consider their response(ibility). it was a wonderful occasion, moving speeches and a mood of optimism in the air. i’m sure it’s a tough road ahead… bob geldof had some fantastic truns of phrase – i hope all the speeches will be online pretty soon… one of his that stuck in my mind was

the job of world leaders is not to manage the world as it exists but to enable a world that we want to create

i took a few snaps and have added a make poverty history photo album on the left hand side bar. get involved in the campaign…

bbc report | guardian report | mandela’s speech

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Matt Currey

    Thanks for this Jonny. Sounds Amazing. I’ve been visiting your blog for a while now… thanks to Si Johnston’s and Pete Lev’s recommendations.
    I really wanted to get there myself but other commitments prevented that. Thanks for the Geldof quote. You’re surely right when you say its a long hard road ahead but its great that optimism and change are in the air. Photos are great.
    As a fellow Ealingite I need to get to Grace sometime, may try for 12th Feb

  2. Rob

    Sorry I missed you – maybe next time!

  3. Ashish Joy

    Just wondering…what exactly did they propose? And how do they plan on bridging the gap? To me it seems as if it is not possible to eradicate poverty completely.
    great blog btw!!

  4. becky

    Great pictures. Thank God for people who aren’t apathetic (lethargy just isn’t hip anymore is it?). Was a bit miffed by Radio 4 who partly focused on Nelson Mandela wearing a fur hat – but at least they were reporting on it!

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