grace lent blog starts today

grace lent blog 05 starts today. every day in lent someone from grace will post a thought/reflection/image/prayer. it’s new and improved – you can leave comments. on sundays no one will post this year – we’re taking the 40 day line this time with sundays as feast days. join us in our journey through lent…

have a look at the lentblog 04 and lentblog 03 if you want to see previous offerings…

darren is also starting a lentblog downunder

today i am off to the matrix conference where jen and i are chaplains and will be leading worship – tonight will be the imposition of ashes – might be a shock to anyone expecting a knees up…

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. richard

    Great, been looking forward to it! In fact inspired by last years grace lent blog, dream (our alt worship community) are having a go this year ( ), given the nature of our setting, we’re emphasizing that posts need not be original, intellectual or highly creative. Its thrilling just to have a bunch of fairly nervous people willing to offer a simple thought in public.

  2. jonny

    richard that’s fab… hope it goes well. i will follow along

  3. Brian Baute

    Does the lent blog have RSS? I couldn’t find a feed URL.

  4. jonny

    no it doesn’t – sorry!

  5. lillylewinl

    great! i loved last year’s blog! cannot wait for what lies ahead this year!
    hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Kitmeout

    Another Lenten season is almost upon us and Christians around the world, mainly from the Orthodox denomination/s, are packing their coffee, mars bars and other minor indulgences away for another 40 plus
    days. The sacrifice, if you can call it a sacrifice, does rather pale into insignificance compared with Christ’s 40 days in the desert — that’s desert and not dessert.
    Perhaps Lent has some meaningful lessons for the fashion world too? What if some of the major Fashion Brands gave up exploiting third world labour for 40 days and insisted on fair wages for works during this 6
    week amnesty? What if the guilty Fashion Houses (we all know who they are) reflected on the barbarity of the fur trade for 40 days – perhaps their suppressed spirit of compassion would see the light of day? What
    if the fashion trade gave up production methods that harm the environment and during the 40 days held collective workshops seeking environmentally-friendly alternatives? …And us, the consumer, what if we gave
    up a piece of designer clothing in our wardrobe and donated it to charity and agreed to buy only ethically and environmentally conducive clothing during Lent. What if? What if? What if?
    It’s not all doom, gloom and cynicism — the fashion world can take heart from a growing number of ethically and environmentally responsible brands: KOhZO, Loomstate, Edun, Coexist and Stella McCartney
    amongst others.
    Even icons of consumerism and their devotees should turn to the sacred for at least 40 days each year.

  7. roy

    Hey thought you might enjoy this online lent its 33 pastors who did a lent book and have the content and video online.

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