if you run your blog with typepad they have some great offers. if you change to pay for your blog for the next year annually as opposed to monthly you can give someone a year’s free subscription at the same level of typepad that you are on. so…
- if you run a typepad blog switch how you pay and get someone else started for free for a year
- if you have been wanting to start a blog with typepad, find someone running a typepad blog and persuade them to switch how they pay and get a year’s blogging free…
find someone who wants to start a Typepad blog, give them the gift, then have them split the cost with you for your next year’s subscription. That way you both win 🙂
That would be $20 apiece for a year of Typepad basic (instead of $50 each)
well, I’m just about to jump ship from Blogger, so if anyone wants to split the difference with me…
i’ve already given mine…
Or….buy a subscription and donate the free year to your church/faith community