happy new year

happy new year! hope you have a good 2005…

the last few years jen, i and the boys have done a reflection on the year gone by. we look back over the past year and think about things that have been bitter and things that have been sweet (usually in the course of a bittersweet meal – something like honey and lemon chicken). we then tie hopes and dreams for the coming year on the christmas tree. and we keep the previous year’s so that we can see how our hopes and dreams have fared. tonight we are with friends so will be eating, drinking, playing games, letting off fireworks etc… so will probably do that tomorrow… hope your celebrations go well, though it feels like a tough start to a year in the wake of the earthquake and resulting tsunami.

one of the nice things about keeping a blog is that it does keep some sort of record of the year gone by so i have enjoyed looking back through the last year’s worth of blog posts. thanks to everyone who reads the blog, and especially if you have taken time to comment or e-mail in the last year. i love being part of the blogosphere and the weird and wonderful world and set of relationships it has opened up. cheers!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jen Lemen

    blessings to you and yours, jonny!
    your spirit and presence here is always a source of encouragement!

  2. dave paisley

    Thanks for all the massive amounts of information and inspiration on your blog. Also the Alt Worship book – that got a fair amount of use this year 🙂

  3. lillylewinl

    hey jenny and jonny!
    blessings to you and the boys for an amazing 05!
    we hope to see you sometime…either in the states or our favorite spot england!
    thanks for your friendship and encouragement !
    lilly and rob

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