radiohead were stunning… so many magical moments and even though i can’t fathom the depths (or surface) of what half their songs are about the mood catches and washes over me, one minute uplifting the next lamenting the state we’re in. lines keep shining through the cracks and stick in my head
i don’t know why i feel so tongue tied | are you such a dreamer to put the world to rights? | the raindrops the raindrops… | you’re so special | god loves his children | we’re rotten fruit we’re damaged goods what the hell we got nothing more to lose we’re backdrifters | bring down the government they don’t speak for us | everything in it’s right place | breathe | i’m on a roll
thank god for artists, thank god for music, thank god for radiohead, thank god i was there…
p.s. this is a later addition to this post but i went with steve and some others from grace. steve has written words that are poetic and capture something of what i felt but only realised after reading what he wrote (does that make any sense). anyway go read at smallritual