charity mugger vs pedestrian
don't flop have teamed up with channel 4 to do a series of real life battle raps. harry features in charity mugger vs pedestrian which is fun. the link is here - scroll…
don't flop have teamed up with channel 4 to do a series of real life battle raps. harry features in charity mugger vs pedestrian which is fun. the link is here - scroll…
last year we had a wonderful day of conversations, research and reflections on pioneer mission at cms. the things presented were so interestng that we ended up publishing them as…
i came across this blessing in gerard kelly's book church actually. i used it last night at an evening marling a moment of someone journeying on to something new. gerard's…
so here's last night's footage (part 1 and part 2 here) of the deuxieme semi final of the world cup poetry slam which has three of harry's poems in. having…
this week in paris harry baker gets to represent the uk in the world poetry slam finals. jen and i are heading over for a couple of nights to cheer…
kate tempest has a book of poetry bundled with a cd and dvd - everything speaks in its own way. i've ordered my copy - looking forward to it. big…
friends in banbury involved in mosaic arts are hosting a spoken word event on march 9 with harry baker and el gruer which looks like it will be good. details… kate tempest on random acts performing parables...
following his trip to france before christmas for the european poetry slam, there was an online competition of all the finalists which has been running a few weeks now. and…
harry's latest poem the sunshine kid is here - it's him performing in the european slam final. there's an online vote now for your favourite - go and vote for…